June 11, 2008

Good Tidings of Great Joy. *Edited. For Posterity.*

Guess what?

I'm an aunt!

Leave it to me to make this about myself...

What I'm trying to say is, my oldest brother Nicholas and his lovely wife Somaria have given birth to their first child, the first grandchild, *the first great-grandchild*, the heir to the Lundgaard fortune!!!
Well. I don't know about all that, but he is the first. And he's tiny. And he's just so gorgeous. I would post a picture of him, but alas, I'm at work and we just don't do that around here. Pictures are frowned upon here. And I just can't get onto Flickr or save any pictures.
There's a lovely picture of the little guy on my parents' blog (http://www.the-lundgaards.com/). You're welcome to visit there and fawn and ooh and aww and say, oh Karen's so lucky, she has the cutest nephew of all time, he's cute 'cuz he looks like her. A little?
So yeah, go there and get to know Henrik. Did I mention his name was Henrik? Henrik Aage?
Doesn't it sound like his name should end with "the fourth" or something? That's quite a name. I'm considering calling him Harry. Or maybe Rik.
Just Kidding.
And, don't get mad, I've accidentally been spelling his name H-e-n-r-i-c-k.

Anyway, here's the deets:

b. 10 June 2008 4:45 PM
l. 20 in.
w. 7 lbs., 4oz.

Guys. Guys, he's not even a day old as I write this! His youth is astounding!
And he's not even 2 feet tall! (I guess we should call it length since all he's going to do for the next several weeks is lie on his back or stomach and throw up) He's so short!
And he weighs, like, as much as Fletcher! So trim and fit!

If he takes after his father as a baby, that whole trim and fit thing might be short lived. But there's no better time to be fat than infancy! At least, that's what I've heard.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling about the poor kid. Rejoice with us! The Lord is good.
Nicholas and Somaria have a jumpstart on that whole quiver-full of arrows thing.

Meanwhile my husband has left me.
But only for four days. He's either taking a trip to Vegas to party all day and night with some of his buddies or he's on a business trip to Houston for the Republican Convention...I can't remember...
Luckily I've got my hands full with party planning for my future sister-in-law, Janean. Who used to be nicknamed Neaner Beaner, just so you know. The Girls and me are gettin together and planning a real fun pow-wow, no-boys-allowed, undergarment party.
We're even making a special drink in her honor called the Janeanarita. Get it?!?!
Everything else is TOP SECRET, being kept under lock and key in the basement of the now burned down Governor's Mansion. So don't even ask.

P.S. I'm still watching Mary Tyler Moore like nobody's business. In the last episode I watched, Rhoda was so excited because she was dating a man who made $30,000 a year. Hahahaha. Isn't that, like, below the poverty line these days? That's crazy.
Her excitement didn't last long because she found out he was going back to college to become a Forest Ranger...and make $9,000 a year!
Times have changed! The dollar is almost worthless! Woo hoo!

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